Lecture Room 3 is currently our only room that allows people to both physically and digitally break out of the main session, offering a second set on inputs on the wall for people to share content on the AV system. The range of possibilities of teaching with this installation are wide with a few examples explained below:

Relay Content from the Lectern

Perhaps the most popular function for the rear system, once powered on the Stream Lectern button can be pushed to share content from the system in the Lectern onto the adjustable wall-mounted TV Screen.

Split into Groups

Should the room need to divide mid session or you wish to teach separately, once powered on the rear system can pressing the HDMI or VGA buttons the AV controller on the wall to 'split' away from the main system and teach independently.

Once everybody regroups, this content can be shared on the Projector screen (effectively reversing the room) with the rest of the room by pressing the Stream Breakout button on the lectern.

Teach from the Side

Who says all lectures must be taught from the front and behind a lectern? If you have a piece of equipment, diorama and  to demo or a smaller group to teach in a more informal setting, the main system may prove impractical to teach this with. Using the flexibility of the TV screen positioning, split and fold down the flexible tables, and rearrange the chairs in a horseshoe shape to face you, instant demo space. Once you're finished or go for a break, restore these tables and the class is ready for the next segment or the room is ready for the next booking.