Note: To ensure you get the most out of Socrative in your session, please display the teaching device through a projected or TV based AV system in the training rooms at the beginning of your quiz.

On Your Teaching Device or Trust PC

  1. Open a modern Web Browser (Google Chrome on the Trust PC) and visit Alternatively launch the Socrative Teacher App (available on the iTunes App Store, Google Play store and Microsoft Store)
  2. On the Website: Select the Teacher Login button and enter your username and password.
  3. Once loaded, ensure the audience are aware of the unique Room Name displayed at the top of your screen.

On the Audience Devices

  1. Open a modern Web Browser (Google Chrome on the Trust PC) and visit Alternatively launch the Socrative Student App (available on the iTunes App Store, Google Play store and Microsoft Store)
  2. On the Website: Select the Student Login button and enter the Room Name.
  3. Once loaded, ensure the audience are aware of the Room Code displayed at the top of your screen.
  4. Enter your name and press Done.

Back on Your Teaching Device or Trust PC

  1. Press (Start a) Quiz.
  2. Select the quiz you wish to run and press Next
  3. Select your Delivery Method and adjust your settings as desired.
  4. Press Start to launch the activity

If You Selected Teacher Paced

  1. The questions will now appear onscreen with the responses total updating live. It is recommended to keep this on the Projection or TV Screen.
  2. Optional: Once all of the responses are in, select How'd We Do?  to display the results. Correct responses are shown as green bars and incorrect as red.
  3. Press Next to move everybody onto the next question.
  4. Once you reach the last Question, press Finish to end the quiz and choose an option to continue (To Launch returns you to the main homepage).

If You Selected Instant Feedback or Open Navigation

  1. A results grid will now appear on the Teacher Device/PC with responses updating live as students answer the questions at their own pace.
  2. Once you're ready to move on, press Finish to end the quiz and choose an option to continue (To Launch returns you to the main homepage).