Teams is a work collaboration platform that is included as part of Office 365. If you've ever used Slack, Workplace by Facebook, Band, HipChat or similar then this platform should feel familiar.

The program is a free download included as part of your Office 365 installation, but can also be downloaded to any Windows 10 PC, Apple (macOS/iOS/iPadOS) device or Android device by visiting You can also download the app for free from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

If you're on a shared computer or your program is not working, there is a HTML5 version that can be used by visiting in Safari, Google Chrome (or similar), Mozilla Firefox (or similar) or Microsoft Edge. As this is identical to the program in core functionality, unless specified please follow instructions for the "Desktop Version".

For those new to the concept, Microsoft Teams provides a space to instant message, share files and collaborate with other members in focused member groups known inventively known as "Teams" (to avoid confusion between the program name and the teams within, we'll refer to Microsoft Teams the desktop application as "the program" or "Desktop Version"). To access your different teams, click on this button. On the desktop, web and Tablet version, this is located on the left menu. On mobile, it's in the bar along the bottom of the program:


Teams tabs on Desktop/Web (Dark theme)

Figure 1 - Desktop/Tablet Version (Dark Theme) - Coloured background denotes selected view in both Light and Dark themes

Teams tabs on Mobile (light theme)

Figure 2 - Mobile Version (Light Theme) - Coloured icon denotes selected view

Teams tabs on Mobile (dark theme)

Figure 3 - Mobile Version (Dark Theme) - Bright white icon denotes selected view